

Our path in the school year 2017 -2018 has been taken from Cambridge Assessment International Education which is a department of the University of Cambridge, the qualification of  “Cambridge International School“. This qualification represents a high prestige for our school because it is a recognition of the validity of our methods and of the preparation we offer.


The integration of our curriculum with the Cambridge Pathway allows us to offer a globally tested path, synonymous with excellence in study methodologies and educational plans, and the opportunity to prepare students to be able to face the challenges of today and tomorrow with curiosity, motivation, intelligence, a critical spirit and responsibility.


We have been recognized as an International Cambridge School to offer the entire Cambridge Pathway to cover all years of compulsory education from infant school to 16 years old, with the continuous sequence of Cambridge Primary, Cambridge Lower Secondary and Cambridge Upper Secondary with the IGCSE path.


Cambridge Assessment International Education is a department of the University of Cambridge that provides recognized schools with a globally tested curriculum: Cambridge Pathway.


In addition, Cambridge Assessment English is the only examination committee entirely controlled by a leading university in the world which certifies with Esol Cambridge exams to the level of linguistic competence according to the second European Common Framework of Language (CERF).


Cambridge Pathway offers students the best scholastic and professional opportunities through a path prepared and tested with the contribution of the best educators and experienced professionals in schools and universities all over the world.


The Cambridge Pathway is structured in four phases from the primary years to secondary and pre-university years: Each phase is based on the development of the students compared to the previous one, but can also be offered separately.


The students are directly involved in their learning process, and develop in-depth knowledge and understanding of the concepts and skills of critical thinking.
The program encourages students to be confident, responsible, reflective, innovative and committed.


The Cambridge path represents a global reference standard for international education and certification. They are widely accepted by the best universities in the world.


In the course of the school years, students can take Cambridge ESOL language certification exams and competency certification exams in the Cambridge Pathway disciplines with Cambridge Primary and Secondary Progression Tests and Cambridge Checkpoint exams.


We offer preparatory year from the age of 2 to the age of 4 to get students to a level of English where they can proficiently partecipate in the International Primary Program.


Cambridge Primary is an international program for the younger students aged 5 to 11 which lasts 6 years (last year of Preschool and 5 years of Primary School).


Cambridge Lower Secondary is the program aimed at students aged 11 to 14 and continues from Primary education of the Cambridge Primary Program and prepares students for post-14 education phases leading to formal qualifications.