
The school is busy at offering a high quality cultural education, but it is convinced that alternating commitment and enjoyable experiences, makes the learning experience easier.  For this reason the school celebrates annually the rich heritage of our country.  The presence of English culture teachers enriches the following holidays listed:

31 October / 30 November Halloween / St. Andrew Team games and dress up
6 December Saint Nicholas Sweets for every student
Days before Christmas Christmas Songs / concert for parents
Last day before Christmas holiday Christmas Christmas lunch
Carnival Carnival Songs, dances and dress up
1 March St. David Team games
17 March St. Patrick Team games
23 April St. George Team games
End of School Year End of School Year Dinner, games, music

The primary school students are divided into four teams. Each holiday the children participate at the games with the team they represent according to the criteria of the organization of each house (team).