
Pianca School offers innovative didactics, projected and carried out by a team of experts and qualified teachers who share methods and stimulating and dynamic didactic strategies which are continuously changing and being updated according to progress and social relationships.


We offer a stimulating educational environment, rich with opportunity and attentive in creating ideal conditions so that every student can feel good at school by feeling excepted, fitting in and feeling appreciated.  An educational environment founded on the respect for others, solidarity, the spirit of collaboration, not only amongst classmates, but also between teachers and students.


We believe that the fundamental premises for an effective and gratifying  informative journey and effective learning, is to educate children to learn about themselves, their strong points and their value, how to assume responsibility for one’s actions, and  learn to ask for help when needed. These premises include learning how to demonstrate originality, to take the initiative, understanding how important it is to agree on rules, how to communicate, how to reciprocate by showing attention to the other’s point of view and how to apply different techniques on how to solve a conflict in interpersonal relationships by collaborating and learning how to provide help to those who need it or ask for it.


We realize that knowing how to face the world of tomorrow you need solid personal security, therefore we offer a lot of attention to the progress of the student’s education, by choosing different proposals according to increasing levels of difficulty in the school environment, working on making relationships easier, and by allowing each student to live positive experiences, therefore reinforcing their self- esteem, courage and motivation.


We believe in the validation of a didactical experience is obtained through the active involvement of the student in varied and stimulating learning experiences by allowing everyone to learn according to their own aptitudes.


We share the idea that “Educating a child is not filling a vase, but lighting a fire” by Michel de Montaigne and we are careful to create all the necessary conditions that favour the natural curiosity in a child in way that he or she can learn to enrich one’s knowledge and for personal reasons. We show them the way to getting answers to their questions and doubts by themselves giving them the satisfaction in knowing their own capabilities and resources which ignites the motivation and the pure pleasure of learning.


We help the students to build a valid personal study method; we encourage them to experiment various studying techniques. By doing research projects we give the children the ability to analyse and select the right instruments that work in order to get the right result. In every learning step we make them aware that in order to acquire certain notions, you must understand the concepts and be able to persevere with the faith that you can do it.


We make the students aware about the importance of knowing in order to guide themselves, conquer every situation, to make decisions and to learn how to make choices to project one’s future.


To achieve these objectives we have developed didactics with various flexible methods. These methods can be easily adapted to the various needs of a class. In this way the students maintain interest in the class work and various learning styles are catered for.


The lessons function as follows: teaching from the front of the class allows you to explain arguments, makes student intervention easier, encourages active exchange of already acquired information, helps guide the student to finding answers to their curiosity and their doubts; using e-learning platforms to create a different and elaborate learning atmosphere; exercises to consolidate one’s study method; roleplay to live and represent different arguments being studied; the use of didactic sites to practice and test one’s abilities; individual work to practice the ability to study on one’s own; group work to reach a common objective, to improve each other’s learning skills encouraging collaborative learning and how to work together in an enriching and respectful exchange; discussions to confront other’s opinions and to acquire communicative skills; homework to complete on one’s own and to challenge how much one knows; activities in labs to work on hand and solve problems which leads to learning through discovery; problems to stimulate one’s ability to think and find solutions and develop a problem solving skill; experiments to conduct experiments by applying a scientific method; steps and projecting to develop a concrete idea and stimulate inventive creativity: games to acquire new abilities and strategies.


During school hours there is also time to help the students reflect on the importance of good behaviour during lessons, which is essential to fit into the scholastic environment; good behaviour gives you the chance to actively and responsibly participate during a lesson, have unconditional respect towards everyone and everything, self-control and the ability to work through conflict and reconciliation.


Lessons also include moments of valuation and self- valuation in every activity, to evaluate the effectiveness of the school work that has been done and within its due date and understanding when it is necessary and make any changes; it also has to do with the student’s achievements and to share and evaluate the student’s learning progress.


All the teachers at our school share the “positive reinforcement” method, highlighting positive aspects about a child, how the student can improve on his or her own, instilling trust, showing the milestones that can be obtained through encouragement and showing appreciation for every child’s learning and growth.