All students wear a school uniform sense of order, expresses the sense of belonging to a group or community, promotes the sense of being equal and generates an identity amongst the pupils contributing to a sense of pride and belonging and of being equal in the students.
For this reason it is required that the official school uniform be worn which can be purchased at the Pianca Store, the school uniform school located on campus.
The school uniform for the nursery school and the primary school consists of:
- white shirt or polo with school logo
- tie (for the children in primary school and the last year of nursery school)
- all red jersey with school logo
- all dark blue trousers or skirt
The school uniform the Secondary school or middle school consists of:
- white shirt or polo with school logo
- tie
- all blue jersey with school logo
- all dark blue trousers or skirt (for the trousers jeans are allowed but must not be tight fitting)
For physical education:
- track suit (blue or red sweat pants for the primary school – blue for the middle school)
- white shirt
- indoor trainers (light-weight trainers with white soles or gym shoes) and outdoor trainers.
All tights and knee-high socks must be solid navy blue.
During the colder months suede or leather boots can be worn, and in summer when the temperature is over 30°, all blue open-toe shoes can be worn but without socks.
Trainers must be solid dark blue (white soles are tolerated).
Sweat pants, skinny trousers or jeans and leggings without a skirt are not tolerated.
We ask that the proper size is worn for each physique, not too small and not too big.